Choosing a Cybersecurity Service Provider

Don’t have the budget for an in-house cybersecurity specialist? No worries. You can still get access to the expertise you need to reduce your security risk. Here’s how to get started in your search for an outsourced cybersecurity provider.

What does an outsourced cybersecurity provider do?

“Is our data safe?” It’s a question your business should know the answer to, and a cybersecurity service provider can ensure the response is in the affirmative.

A third-party cybersecurity partner can help you with everything having to do with implementing and managing the data and information security at your business. Having the right security in place protects you from malicious acts aimed at stealing or damaging your data, imposing viruses, ransomware or other malware on your systems, and other threats.

And the threats are growing in number and sophistication. Web applications in particular are being increasingly targeted by cyber attackers, who are constantly advancing their tactics.

Know the lingo

As with anything else in business, cybersecurity solutions come with at least a few acronyms. When you’re assessing cybersecurity providers, it’s helpful to have a grasp on a few of the vocabulary terms you’ll come across.


What it stands for: Managed security service provider

What it is: A company that provides management and monitoring of all of your IT security systems and devices on an outsourced basis. Some of the services they might provide include vulnerability scanning, antiviral protections, intrusion detection, and managed firewall.


What it stands for: Managed detection and response

What it is: Like an MSSP, this is another type of “security as a service” offering focused on helping businesses detect and root out threats. Your MDR provider will set up, deploy, and monitor security tools using a human-touch, hands-on approach.


What it stands for: Security information and event manager

What it is: This is a cloud-based platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze large volumes of data across an enterprise for speedy, smart threat intelligence. Think of it as advanced security at scale.

What to look for in a provider

A comprehensive approach: Being prepared to prevent cyberattacks requires more than just installing firewalls and anti-virus software. A comprehensive approach is a proactive one focused on early detection, alerts, and rapid-fire incident responses. It should also include an emphasis on educating your teams about the processes and protocols they should be following to ensure the integrity of your systems.

A solid history: What is the track record of the company you’re considering working with to implement and manage your security? Do they understand the compliance and regulatory standards for your industry? Have they received any recognition? For instance, AccountabilIT has been named to the list of the world’s top 250 MSSPs for the fourth year in a row.

24×7 coverage: These days, this one is a given. Security that isn’t happening around the clock leaves you with gaps and vulnerabilities. If this continuous level of service isn’t offered, look elsewhere.

World-class tools: Ideally your cybersecurity provider will be leveraging the industry’s best and proven tools. We like Microsoft Azure Sentinel for its ability to detect threats across the environment from a variety of data streams (such as Windows, applications, and databases), as well as its real-time monitoring and alerting.

What’s Next?

Would you like to learn more about how the advanced protection offerings from AccountabilIT can give you peace of mind? Start getting your cybersecurity in gear today with an approach that will bring together a focus on your business and the latest in cybersecurity methods and tools.

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